How do I book a taxi from Delhi to Shimla? Is there an online booking option?
To book a taxi from Delhi to Shimla, you can follow these steps: Online Booking: Most taxi services offer online booking options through their websites or mobile apps. Visit the website or download the app of a reputable taxi service that operates on the Delhi to Shimla route. Enter Trip Details: On the booking platform, enter the trip details such as the pick-up location in Delhi, the drop-off location in Shimla, the date and time of travel, and the type of vehicle you prefer (e.g., sedan, SUV, etc.). Check Availability: After providing the trip details, the platform will check the availability of taxis for your chosen date and time. Select Vehicle and Fare: Once availability is confirmed, you'll be presented with different vehicle options and their respective fares. Choose the one that best suits your needs and budget. Provide Contact Information: Next, you will need to provide your contact information, including your name, phone number, and email address. Payment : Make t...